John Peterson, a native of Ft. Worth, Texas, is another wildly successful TJGT Alumni. Peterson is currently ranked 105th in the Fed Ex Cup rankings for the PGA tour. Peterson has made 65 PGA Tour appearances throughout his career, including two top ten finishes.
Peterson attended Louisiana State University (LSU) after graduating in 2007 from Paschal High School.
Peterson was a three time All-American at LSU and in 2011 he clinched the title of NCAA Division I Champion.
The highlight accomplishment of Peterson’s PGA career was his performance at the U.S. Open in 2012. Peterson finished tied for fourth and even had an ace on a par three during the nationally televised event.
Peterson was a regular on the TJGT and many of the staff members and fellow players enjoyed his presence on the golf course. He competed in a wide variety of TJGT events, including the Red River Challenge, Tour Championship, and Traditions Championship.
In 2012, Peterson made an appearance at the TJGT Holiday Classic at Barton Creek, this time as an alumni member. Peterson spoke to a room full of junior golfers and parents about his past experiences in life and golf. Peterson sought to provide expert advice to juniors seeking to rise to the next level. He brought along his championship NCAA championship trophy as well, which delighted many junior golfers and parents that evening.
Peterson currently competes on the PGA and Web.com tour in hopes clinching major titles in the future. He currently resides in his hometown of Fort Worth, TX and enjoys hunting, fishing, and listening to country music.
The TJGT is committed to helping junior golfers succeed and reach the next level of competitive golf. John Peterson is only one example of TJGT alumni that have found bountiful success upon leaving the junior golf arena.